Ultimate HR Generalist: Certified Human Resource Management
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- Curriculum
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Are you looking for a single course with the most comprehensive HRM topics coverage (from beginner to Advanced level, including most trending topics? (Updated in November 2024)
Beginner-friendly, step-by-step training methodology?
Clear-cult tools, technologies, and practical instructions with workable files and resources?
A practical, most industry-relevant curriculum in all major domains of HR Management, Compensation & Payroll to become a sought-after professional in today’s scenario? (even if you are a beginner or have up to 14 yrs of experience).
Industry-relevant practical curriculum which can be applied to your work right now?
This course is for you if you answered yes to any of the above questions.
UNLOCK the top-notch and in-demand skills for Human Resource Management & Payroll professional success in this simple, Constantly Updated and easy to understand course from the Founder and Head of NextGen HR: Meghana, who has over a decade of experience in end to end HR Management in top corporates.
Achieve a Holistic Mastery of HRM (Updated in November 2024): Attain an unparalleled understanding of all major HRM functions, from this comprehensive HR Generalist course designed to equip you with the full spectrum of HR skills and knowledge necessary to excel in any HR role.
Beginner to Advanced: Most important and trending International HR topics covered.
This is a most Recent, Comprehensive HRM Course for beginners as well as high-level professionals from across the world.
Top HR and Payroll Skills you acquire from this course are :-
Employee Life Cycle Management: Managing end to end Employee Life Cycle from Branding to Exit in an organization, with relevant Tools, Technologies & HR metric to use for measurement of each stage.
Human Resource Management: Introduction, Objectives of HRM: Organizational, Functional, Social and Personal, Strategic HRM: Aligning Organizational Strategy with HR Strategy.
Design Thinking in HRM: Employee Experience Design (EX-Design): Complete Methodology and Implementation guide for a wow Employee Experience.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at Workplace: Gain a deep understanding of what is DEI, what is Unconscious Bias, Intersectionality in DEI and devise best DEI strategies in Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Performance Management and Engagement activities. Understand the Latest Trends in DEI practices.
How to Use ChatGPT in Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Activities? Learn to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Recruitment.
Top Trends in HRM for the year 2024: A brief introduction to the Top Trends in Human Resorces Management for the year 2024.
Statutory Compliances Concepts & Detailed Calculation in Excel, such as PF, ESIC, Statutory Bonus, Leave Encashment, Gratuity, etc.
HR Policies and Procedures used in most organizations today.
Art of Salary Negotiation with prospective employees to acquire great talent.
Effective On-boarding and retention of employees. Case studies on On-boarding impact on Employee Retention and HR department.
Career Planning for HR professionals : Learn all these from an industry expert + Also set your Career Roadmap.
Complete HRM Interview Preparation Guide: Prepare for your next HR Manager / HR Generalist Interview with complete guide, 40 Questions and Sample Answers. Downloadable PDF E-Guide.
Employee Engagement Best Practices: How to design Buddy Program
Remote / Online Recruitment Best Practices for successful recruitment online. From writing an effective Job Description that ensures DEI, Employer Branding to enhancing your organization’s Employee Value Proposition, you can learn it all here.
Indian Compensation, Payroll and Benefits : Concepts, Fixed and Flexible Benefit Plan – CTC Structuring and Salary Calculations.
Analyse your SWOT, Know different opportunities and career roadmap in HR in this course.
10. MS Excel Basics and Excel Formulas, Functions for HR professionals
and many more.
Practical Training Curriculum:
Work on Practical Assignments and use given downloadable Excel Case-Study worksheets, practice materials, etc. to gain hands-on experience. Get downloadable E-Book on Compensation & Payroll topics, with this course.
Course curriculum of ‘Ultimate HR Generalist: Certified Human Resource Management’:-
1. Employee Life Cycle Management:
Employee Life Cycle: Introduction and its stages.
Each Stage, i.e., Attraction, Recruitment, Onboarding, Development, Retention, Separation explained in detail : Importance, Tools & Technologies Used, Which HR Metrics to measure them.
2. Introduction to HRM, Objectives of HRM, Functions of HRM:
Introduction to HR Management, Objectives of HRM (Organizational, Social, Personnel, Functional).
Core Functions of HRM and Strategic HR Management : Aligning organizational strategy with HR Strategy.
3. Payroll, Compensation and Benefits, Statutory Compliance’s (India) : Level 1
Downloadable E-Book in Resources for this topic as a Ready to Refer quick guide!
Learn important Indian Compensation, Benefits and Payroll concepts practically in Excel as well as theory.
Types of CTC Structures (Fixed, Flexible Benefit Plan FBP) and how to structure CTC with step-by-step details explained on Excel.
Different Payroll Terminologies and concepts, salary heads explained practically as well as theoretically
Gratuity, Leave Encashment and Statutory Bonus Concepts, Calculations and Assignments
Excel Salary Calculation Case Studies (CTC Structuring to Net Salary) on different slabs / ranges of CTC’s for practice (based on Videos) for hands-on exposure.
Understanding common Components of Payroll and Compensation Structuring in India to help you understand Offer letters and compensation packages as an HR / Payroll professional.
Labour Laws / Statutory Compliance’s (Payroll): Provident Fund (PF), Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) detailed understanding of concepts and calculations in Excel. Professional Tax and Labour Welfare Fund.
4. Design Thinking in HRM: Employee Experience Design Complete Course: (This course was separate earlier, now added as a part of this course ‘Ultimate HR Generalist and Human Resource Management’)
Learn What is Design Thinking in most simplified, beginner friendly way!
Key Concepts and Methodologies in human centered problem solving in business scenarios in HR Management.
How Design Thinking works to help build products, solutions, processes and innovations in Human Resources, IT, System Design, Hospitality, Sales or any Domain.
Understand some of the important tools in Design Thinking i.e., Empathy Mapping, etc.
Get Insights on how to optimize your creative problem solving by using Design Thinking Steps : Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Testing.
Apply Design Thinking for creating Great Employee Experiences in your organization by learning the EX Design with Case Studies in a simple, step-by-step manner.
6. Use ChatGPT : the free Artificial Intelligence tool in Recruitment:-
Learn how to use ChatGPT for various Recruitment, Talent Acquisition activities in our guide.
5. Your Career Roadmap:-
Roles and Positions available for HR in today’s market across all levels. What role can be most suitable for you and how to decide which area to go ahead.
Your SWOT Analysis.
Using SWOT ANALYSIS to understand your current level of skills in HR and to plan your future skill acquisition.
Road map for your HR career. Assessing what skills you have and don’t. Helping you Creating a plan to acquire next generation skills in HR.
6. Salary Negotiation with Prospective Employees:-
Art of salary negotiations with employees to ensure you don’t lose important candidates.
Crucial conversations/communication techniques to deal with employees during important process “On-boarding” to ensure Employee Retention.
Basic People Management skills for HR during Salary Negotiation and On-boarding through Case-Study explanations.
7. Recruitment:-
Recruitment Process Flow and steps involved in an effective recruitment and hiring process, with case-study example.
Effective Job Description Writing by focusing on DEI, EVP and other components.
Employer Branding Guide: Employee Value Proposition that helps your organization stand out from others.
Best practices for Online / Virtual Recruitment.
8. Employee Engagement & Employee Onboarding:-
Best practices for Online / Virtual Onboarding of New Employees.
Case Studies on Employee Onboarding. 4 C’s of Employee Onboarding and Strategies for Effective Engagement of New Employees.
Complete guide on Employee Onboarding Step By Step Process and Onboarding Checklist.
How to Design a Buddy Program: Framework and Implementation complete guide.
Employee Experience (EX-Design) Design introduction for better engagement.
9. HRM Concepts, Objectives, Functions & Strategic HRM:
Human Resource Management: Objectives : Organizational, Functional, Societal and Personnel Objectives. Supporting functional areas of HRM.
Strategic Human Resource Management: Alignment of Organizational Strategy and Goals with HRM Strategy and Goals.
Functions of HRM: Managerial, Operative and Advisory Functions and core activities under these Functions.
Processes of Management in Organization and role of HRM as an important organizational Process.
19. MS-Excel Basics: Formulas & Functions for HR & Payroll Professionals
MS-Excel Basics. Formulas & Functions for HR & Payroll.
20. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: DEI at Workplace:
Gain a deep understanding of what is DEI, what is Unconscious Bias, Intersectionality in DEI and devise best DEI strategies in Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Performance Management and Engagement activities.
Join the course now and be a part of the HR & Payroll professionals Community across the world.
Previous course name: Ultimate Human Resources : HR Generalist Course with Payroll
Key skills: HR Management / Human Resources Management certification / Payroll Certification / HR Generalism / HRM Certification / HRM Trends / HR Compensation, Benefits & Payroll course / Employee Experience Design / Design Thinking in HR :- Highly experienced trainer : 12+ years of experience in HR, Employee Engagement, Payroll, Compensation and Training Development in India.
So what are you waiting for? Enroll now to unlock the course and get mentored by one of leading expert coach in all areas of Human Resource Management and Payroll Management.
An exciting world of learning awaits you! See you in the first video.
1Employee Life Cycle: Introduction and its stages
2How to take the Course? Guidelines..
3Stages in Employee Life Cycle
4Assignment 1 Guidelines
5Employee Life Cycle: Identification of the stage
6Branding in Employee Life Cycle Management: Tools, Technologies & HR Metrics
7Tools, Tech & HR Metrics for Branding Stage in Employee Life Cycle
8Recruitment in Employee Life Cycle Management: Tools, Technologies & HR Metrics
9Onboarding in Employee Life Cycle Management: Tools, Tech & HR Metrics used
10Employee Development in Employee Life Cycle Management : Tools, Tech & HR Metric
11Retention in Employee Life Cycle: Importance, Tools, Tech & HR Metrics Used
12Separation in Employee Life Cycle: Importance, Tools, Tech & HR Metrics
13Welcome! Introduce yourself & Download the PDF Notes - C&B, Payroll Intro
14Stages of Employee Life Cycle
Stages of Employee Life Cycle
15Project 1 - Case 1 - Hire to Retire Process: Strategies - Answers
16Our community of HR & Payroll professionals
17Downloadable HR magazine pdf & Employee life cycle guide pdf
18Recruitment Process Introduction
19Recruitment Quiz Intro
Recruitment Quiz Intro
20All Steps in Recruitment and Hiring Process with a Case Study
21Recruitment Process
Recruitment Process
22Top Trends in HRM: 2024
23Writing Effective Job Description like a pro!
24Writing Effective Job Description - Quiz
25Successful Job Description Tips: Diversity, Inclusion, EVP, Branding, etc.
26Activity - Write an Effective Job Description
29How to Make your Remote Recruitment a Hit
30Best HR Practices in Remote Recruitment - Part 2
31Remote Recruitment Quiz
Remote Recruitment Quiz
32Virtual Recruitment : Best Practices
33Remote Recruitment : Best Practices
34Virtual Recruitment - Assignment Answers: Downloadable PDF here
35The Great Resignation and its impact Downloadable PDF E-Guide.
36Case study #1 : Guide to 4 C's of Onboarding - Part 1
37Case Study #1 Onboarding Checklist and Planning Part 2
38Case Study #1 Onboarding Part 3
39Onboarding Assignment 1
40Case Study # 2 - Onboarding Challenges Part 1
#2 Case study on Common Onboarding Challenges and how to tackle them
41Case Study # 2 - Onboarding Challenges Part 2
42Case Study # 2 - Onboarding Challenges Part 3
43Downloadable materials: PDF & Excel for all lectures
50What is Design Thinking: Introduction
51Empathize Process & Empathy Mapping for Human Centered Problem Solving
52Defining the Problem in Design Thinking
53IBM's Design Thinking Case Study-Guide
54Ideation Phase in Design Thinking
55Prototype & Testing in Design Thinking
56Activity: Design Thinking Application
78SWOT analysis Part 1
SWOT analysis to identify your key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to plan your skill development accordingly.
79SWOT Analysis Part 2
80SWOT Analysis - Part 3
SWOT Analysis Explained - Part 3
81SWOT Analysis - Part 4 (Final part)
SWOT Analysis - Final part (4)
82SWOT Analysis - Personal SWOT & HR Departmental SWOT