March 23, 2021 – Assistant principal William Jeffery has noticed a trend. In an interview with Broadband Breakfast on Monday, the assistant principal at Columbia High School in the Columbia-Brazoria Independent School District in Texas said some of his students don’t do well with virtual learning, while others thrive. Others
Online courses also known as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are becoming highly popular these days. Thanks to the technical advancement and rise in the number of Internet users globally. Before this trend, people used to do distance learning courses and MOOCs can be thought to be an evolved version of such
Hyderabad: Several school students who used to be proud of their toys, gaming consoles, cricket kits and so on, before the lockdown, are now proud owners of laptops, desktops, tablets and smartphones as well. As learning went online due to the lockdown and is still continuing, electronic gadgets have
Concerns about a growing number of more infectious COVID-19 cases in the Regina area have prompted some school divisions to restart online learning. Regina Public Schools, the city’s largest division, announced Friday that it will start transitioning students to remote classes until after spring break on April 12. Regina Catholic
In his book , the Nobel prizewinner Daniel Kahneman argues that we think in two key modes – automatic and effortful – or, in other words, fast (non-voluntary) and slow (attentional). It is, of course, the latter that has particular significance for teaching and learning in higher education. Online teaching
Who would’ve thought; too much of lazing around at home can actually get exhausting and our bodies can start to reflect a higher sense of boredom? Relaxing is good for our mental and physical health during this self-quarantine period – so it’s imperative we do it as much as necessary.